The days after and after
I'm finally getting accustomed to talking to people again, after having a fearful bout of silence after the election. I worked in a poll for four hours with my partner, as an election protection coordinator, and wouldn't trade that experience for anything. People emerging from this precinct's school gym, pumping their fist in the air "Yeah! I voted!" Some would later return with a friend who they wanted to get to vote. But somehow the stars did not align this time.
It's my birthday today. I was always stricken with a funny feeling after realizing at a median age that since my birthday often falls close to election days, that my own birthday was when Nixon was elected. Okay. So, now I have a cold, it's raining outside and for the first time this year, you can see your breath mist up in the breeze. Another election, another birthday, another gloomy result. Must do more on some individual level for myself to reverse things that this administration has chalked up on that greaseboard Karl Rove has in The Batcave. I'm going with a pal for some hot pho at a local Asian eatery, to clean out all the muck from my head, literally and figuratively. More soon.